Tuesday, February 17, 2009

di sebalik bilik methadone...

today was my second day for methadone... sharp at 8 am i went to methadone room...
methadone's patient already there..diorg nih suke kumpul ramai2 kat situ... Teh already inside the room....
14 bottle stock in to give to methadone patient (i never use drug addict because now they under methadone replacement therapy)
so great for me today...because i can follow cara Teh keje..... saya x mau Teh tggu saya rekod and at same time patient in front of us.... kalo boleh biar la diorg cepat2 kluar dari bilik methadone nih...
thanx..today job sooo smooth...i like it....

should us give patient take away the methadone????
patient only can take away methadone to their home only when they come for therapy at least 6 weeks continously.... and need some approval either from ketua kg or their wife....

Teh ask to one of methadone pt...macam mane rase skrag...
They will call Teh bos la...aku..tergelak..he..he...
tak cukup la bos.malam dah tak tahan dah...it known us withdrawal symptom which appear when they stop taking drug...
patient yg take away..told us that...diorag tak akan amik methadone sekaligus at the morning...half they take in the morning and another half they will take in the evening...
because they know...they cant satnd anymore at night...
diorag nih macam ragam yg tak boleh dilayan sangat....
satu perkara yg saya takut especially when Teh leave me alone in the room is if they act agresive on me....oh tidaakkk...naseb bek kat situ ade cctv...

Monday, February 16, 2009

methadone room

i still wonder, why our government spend a lot of money to help the drug addict???
adakah ia berbaloi????
some of them inject heroin since a few ago, n now decide to stop taking drug and change to methadone??? mayb sebab diorang dah x ckup duit nak beli heroin yg mahal gile...only small tube, it really costly....
tp ade lagi yg skarg decide amik methadone, tp bgtau doctor, malam semalam saya stil lagi inject..tak boleh tahan..x boleh wat keje and so on.... maybe certain of them are really want stop taking heroin, cannabis and so on la...but it so hard..hanye kekuatan dan semangat yg tinggi bole membantu diorang drp benda haram ini...
and methadone, one choice..hopely one day, they never depends again with this...
i go through most of the case, and most of the will complaint, the methadone dose now, not enough la... at the evening or at night, withdrawal symptom come out.... when withdrawal symptoms come, either they come early in the morning to get methadone dose or another alternative, inject back heroin on self...
family support is very important to bring them back pada landasan yg betul... some of methadone patient, kalo dulu xde keje, but now, some of them has job..that good..apa yang kita nak, help them to improve their life and avoid them from benda haram nie....
a mother..willing to come take methadone to her son...her son..tjebak ngan dadah..because streaa...break up with her fiancee....ia snngat tidak berbaloi, memusnahkan diri sendiri kerana sebab yg teramat kecil....but luckily, ade kesedaran tuk berubah.... hopely, bukan hangat tahi ayam...

sigh..ade ke MA tu surh saya rase methadone cane rase die..never la.... bagi kat patient x pe....
tomorrow, manage time..how to do job fast like Teh,
Teh..awak wat keje cepat...penat saya kejar nak record nih.....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

rubbish word..

useless word can cause a big problem....
sometime we can't predict others feeling..
they look ok on what u have talked about..
but inside..we dont know...
people changed... just take care on the word which come out from ur mouth..
sebab mulut santan binasa

da story....

Pada suatu malam, si ibu mendengar cucunya di sebelah rumah menangis. Dorongan hati seorang nenak, dia turun dari rumahnya berjalan dalam gelap ke rumah anaknya, ingin mengetahui apakah yang terjadi ke atas cucunya itu.

Sampai di rumah itu, dia mendiamkan diri seketika di luar rumah. Cucunya masih tetap menangis. Puas dipujuk tidak juga berhenti menangis. Tiba-tiba dia mendengar menantunya menjerit dengan kuat dari atas rumah, "Hai, apa nak jadi kau ni, hah? Diam tak? Aku campak kau ke bawah, baru kau tau. Biar babi betina kat bawah rumah tu makan kau. Baru kau tau!"

Si ibu yang di bawah terperanjat besar. Hatinya berdebar-debar. Darahnya naik ke kepala. Badannya rasa menggigil. Marahnya sudah tidak dapat ditahan-tahan lagi. "Menantu aku kata aku babi? Tak sedar diri punya menantu!" fikirnya dalam hati.

Marahnya meluap-luap. Tanpa berfikir panjang si ibu tua ini menjerit dari bawah, "Hei, berani kau kata aku babi? Kau ingat aku ni apa? Perempuan tak guna?"

Menantunya terperanjat. Pintu rumah dibuka. Dalam samar-samar cahaya lampu minyak tanah, dia melihat ibu mertuanya tercegak depan tangga. Lalu tuduhan mertuanya dinafikan, tetapi si menantu tidak kuasa menghalang kemarahan mertuanya. Maka terjadilah pertengkaran besar. Pergaduhan berlarutan sehingga suami menantunya pulang, dan cuba menenangkan keadaan. Namun kedua-dua ibu mertua dan menantu perempuan masih tetap dengan pendirian masing-masing, tidak ada yang mahu mengalah.

Sejauh mana seriusnya pergaduhan itu tidak sampai ke pengetahuan aku. Namun pada esok paginya berangkatlah keluarga muda ini membawa diri meninggalkan ibu tua sendirian. Aku tidak pasti ke mana mereka "minggat", tetapi berita yang diterima beberapa tahun kemudian, pasangan ini sudah menjadi peneroka Felda.

Begitulah satu kisah yang diakibatkan oleh mulut. Orang tua-tua kita selalu mengingatkan kita tentang betapa perlunya kita menjaga mulut sebaik-baiknya. Beberapa peribahasa Melayu jelas menunjukkan hal ini, seperti:

Sebab pulut santan binasa
Sebab mulut badan binasa

Cakap siang pandang-pandang
Cakap malam dengar-dengar

Terlajak perahu boleh berundur
Terlajak kata nyawa padahnya

Friday, February 13, 2009

i lurve them very much

i just say thank u very much for spending time for our date..he..he..
a lot of story and gossip since we never see each other quite long time...
muaah...sayang awak seme......

tempat wajib kitorang bertemu....of course la....pantai pake yang x seindah mane itu..he..he..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

never disturb..PROMISE!

how long u can stick with your promise....at one time u still break it..
can u promise to never ......................... anymore..you should do... and never break it...
it is might hard today..but day by day..it will go far away......

Thursday, February 5, 2009


HSR begin.. really short time to complete the research...
meaning that...i need to think twice before decide to go break..i mean a long break..
whatever la....yg penting..this weekend i must rest..back to hometown..hav a date with frenzz and family..if not my mind will not working....
very tired ma..working 2 weeks continuously... like working at kilang...
i need rest.. my mind need rest.. i need time for myself too.. so that, after this...become more active to do all the work..yeah...
but HSR really make me SICK....

may i go to K14, see u working...so that..saya pun bersemangat tuk terus bekerja hari ini....
alamak...ur hair so serabai today...wat happens????on cal eik semalam....
chayookkk..work smart guys....n dont last minute working....

huh, my tdm and cdr report x ciap lg...seme nih coz last minutes working..my fault...