that a responsibility, should i never care on that pt as he was positive H1N1...
when i got that pt's blood sample, seriously i dont know how to handle it. then, by saying to suyi, i want mask, this is H1N1 pt.
macam biase, run that sample... but this sample come twice to me.....
next morning, cik masyitah call me...........
how u handle that H1N1 sample???
i wore mask, and centrifuge the sample, run tdm, like normal.....
i really dont know actually have a very special precoution......
today..TDM room was contiminated....
and cik masyitah ask me and suyi.....
you all should take tamiflu as prophylaxis.....
and me...twice exposed to that sample.....
just want to know, how long that PIG VIRUS can stay outside the body, i never inhale that sample...cant it attack me?????
for the safe side, everyone told....
just take that tamiflu of charge as it will expired this month.....
at this moment, we got three positive cases H1N1 in hour hospital... n suspected a lot too....
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago