this weekend was my fourth call turn... tomorrow is public holiday... but of coz not a holiday to me... next morning i need handle chemo drug for one patient who go on with FAC regime for breast cancer...then for sure sample for TDM will come to c me...whole day at hospital.. i think so bcoz tdm sample from htaa will come to hoshas too... i hope the sample not too much.... i need a rest plzzz...
Yesterday, i walked around da ward to c on one patient who run folfox regime for colon cancer. The cancer already metastasize to lung and bone. so pity.... he was so weak, 70 years old.... but what going on with this doctor????? Why she administer chemo drug too fast after administration of antiemetic??? the result is patient vomit badly..... kecian kat patient ni.... hopefully, for next cycle, this wont b happen again.....
banyaknye keje saya x complete lg.... i just want a rest.... at this moment i miss family so much...very much i want look on batriesya pict....miss u baby...