When I’m backed to home everybody shocked on me… why I am so thin…nampak tulang je…my face look cekung…n I think it nuisances la… impossible I look like that.. or sy sendiri yg x prasan…After few month never seen my senior, she also surprised on me.. Yanie, awak nampak cekung!! Nape kurus sangt nih!! Then I’m standing in front of mirror, isn’t true??? I cant see any changes on me la…..
But im realized, my weight obviously loss. From 53kg I’m turned to 45kg. This start happen while I working at peneng. I don’t understand what happen at that time. But I can’t eat much or I will vomit again… But I never go to check with doc. Same what happen to me while im sitting for SPM. I still remember, that time was fasting month.. After buke, I cant stand anymore, what I had eat, I vomit back until late night, I wake up crawling at the wall, tahan sakit…Thanx Allah, now, I’m going fine…. Make sure, time makan betul, so my pain never disturb me again….
Tak tertahan….
Mereka nih slau kate sy diet, pasl tu la kurus sangat.. No la.. i.m not diet.. Ask miey. Everyday I eat a lot….x pun sy termuntah a lot… nie kalu penyakit lame dtg,…. But currently x de la…. For sure, selera sy bertambah kalo kat depan nih ade:
-nasik dagang- secret resipi mak… x cukup makn kt umah, wat bekal lg blk temerloh… memg sedap..gile
-ikan keli sambal..makn nasik tiap ari lauk keli pun x pe.. I x kisah.. tp cume org len je cm pelik…..
sy dah nek muak ngan fast food… plzzz… skali skale x pe… nk blanje makn saya…. Jom kite makan masakn kg…fuh..selera sangat…mest sy x muntah punye….
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago