hana yori donga version korean???
actually saya belum tengok lg korean version...
tp...jepun version..not bad la... itu bqape taun yg dulu..watak domyoji..memang kene la...same like comic... the guy yg bodo sombong, ego and so on la....
the first comic, make me feel love with this story...he..he..
dulu Iwan slalu kate cite komik nih best... tp saya memg x caye cakap abg saya tuh.. lastly..bile dah bace.... saye slalu surh Iwan belikan komik tue(time tu, saya blaja lg, Iwan dah keje..tu pasl saya slalu suqh iwan belikan komik tu)... memg best gile...
tup2, bile kuar series, i spend my money to buy the cd.....
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago