Wednesday, April 29, 2009
the day
FKP really buzy, patient who had follow up with skin clinic also a lot..luckily they can cooperate for interview regarding on medication....
lunch...ari ni ade majlis ppisahan staf pharmcy who will be transferred to another place.... k.nik come with her comel baby and Adam, yang x bole duk diam...
lets pict...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
the way u talk....buat org sakit ati...
the first one.. come from bhgn kewangan....
.can u just talk nicely for your customer.... sengal betul mamat ni...blagak gile..x bole ke ckap elok...huh.....
the second one, from staf nurse yang cantik molek tu...
i did not ask u to layan us for this ward check...just asking where the person who handle the medication, floor stock,dda...buzynye saye..mengalahkan menteri.... cuak r....ur way very annoying..
some of staff nurse very professional..... and know how to control the situation.... some of them, dengan suara manje, merengek..nak amik ubat, nak stat la.... time tu baru wat bek la, baru cakap elok2.. kalu tak hampeh..... that a habit of human....
Monday, April 27, 2009
so, ngan Izan...macam ngan ape yang kitorg plan la..... mule2, ingat nak gie s.alam this wednesday..but, izan told me that she had interview for her master scholarship on thursday... Gud luck, all da best... may u finish ur master on time end of this year.....
so, i will drive to shah alam only on thursday morning...
here is our plan...
- watch mid nite movie on thursday..
- going to melaca on friday
- got to PD
- if still have time, we plan go to cameron....
after long break with week i have another Genting.....low price ticket... more holiday..... pay attention to my job..especially clinical......ward round.....gULp...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
but, on my table...bundle of paper work....never touch yet....sakitnye mate aku menengok....
check it out....
monday--- ward check k10
tuesday---ward check k6...waiting for my off list
wednesday--- HSR at FKP...
first time in my working life, take break for long period.....
give me chance to rest..TQ..
green day will release new album.....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
my advice to him
but why lately, a lot of bad story regarding your work and attitude...
the tragedy that day..might be because you not in mood... im not really sure because i am not at hoshas at that time....
but my advice here, no matter others say, just do your work, and plz jgn cpat melenting... sometime others 'tegur' to correct what you have done....
doesnt matter what others say, since you never done stupid thing for me, i will still respect you....
'senyum biar ikhlas, kalu tpakse bek jangan'
cross the river
she will marry soon, this june... if i no where her home, so it is easier for me to go.. at same time, cross over the village in Temerloh.. seriously..6 month here, i only no bandar Temerloh and Mentakab..ha..ha... some weird name of village of coz la..melopong..i dont know..
Name of village quite weird... Like kg buntut pulai, kg pangsenam and kg Lebak... all, located at the side of Pahang river... she told me, last year, when pahang attck by flood, all village cant see... sg pahang sangat besar, skali bah, of coz la...attack all village... tapi.. yg paling glamour kat sini is ikan patin... that one is my favourite... ikan patin masak tempoyak here very different compared to Trg..and here...very delicious...
Teh had told me, at one time she out station at Temerloh, she will never miss ikan patin here.. especially one of the stall at side of Pahang river... that really true, first time i tried it...crazy...very delicious, tak berlemak like patin at trg..... satu ketul it cost seven dollar... but dont confius, if u choose ikan patin bah (pure patin from sg pahang), satu ketul it will cost 15 dollar.... come and try la..he
Friday, April 24, 2009
isn't so difficult for her to allow me for a leave....
i just ask for two days..why???? she never sign my application form...
really hope that next week she allow me to go....
semoga hatinye dilembutkan untuk melepaskan aku pergi,...sigh...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
guys--habit of government servent...
tapi...sometime it also influence me especially when working at medical store... most time, there were no job to do... wondering....nothing i had done..makan gaji buta ke aku???i am so scared because everything will be ask di sana nant... i am not free, a lot work must be completed..... actually
sometime, nek geram, bila tengok org yang tak jujur dengan diri sendiri.. sapa gigit cili, die terase pedas.... tp yg pengting all of u siapkan keje, then lepas tu nk g mengulor ke lu punye pasal la..hurm...
next week
for this month, i spend a lot for myself...because i want take a long holiday....
but never forget my responsibality for my family especially my mum... tiada sesuatu yang akan membahagiakan aku melainkan melihat orang yang paling aku sayang bahagia dan senang... dan satunya insan itu adalah oh my mother........ mei come, mother day come........ mau bagi ape ye untuk mak tahun ini......hurm......thinking...
next week, i will take a long break... go to melaka... then, during hol day next week, i will go to genting... that so long, i never had a rest....jalan2, hepy2 and so on... harap my plan bjalan....... lepas ini never cuti lagi, hard time will come to attack me..ayooooo....
take ur time
Dear SAFARIANI ABD RAHIM, Thank you for ordering from! Your Room Reservation has been confirmed on 23-Apr-2009 | ||
Merchant Name | : | Resorts World Bhd |
Merchant Online Address | : | |
First Name | : | SAFARIANI ABD RAHIM |
Last Name | : | SAFARIANI |
IC/Passport No | : | |
Reservation No | : | 01178561 |
Promotion | : | MATTA FAIR KUALA LUMPUR MAR 2009 (2D1N) |
Hotel | : | First World Hotel |
Room Type | : | Standard View Room |
No of Room(s) | : | 1 |
Check In Date | : | 06-May-2009 |
Check In Time | : | 3:00pm (1500 hrs) |
Check Out Date | : | 07-May-2009 |
Check Out Time | : | 12:00pm (1200 hrs) |
Voucher No | : | MMC12909 |
they say to me, go and have a rest la girl... take your time before next burden period come....... thanx Ee... |
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Meaning of a Friend

Someone turned to me and asked
"How many friends have you?"
Why 10 or 20 friends I believe
And began to named a few...
A blessed one you are
To have so many friends
But think of what you're saying...
A friend is just not someone
To whom you say "Hello"
A friend is a tender shoulder
On which to softly cry
A well to pour your troubles down
And raise your spirits high
A friend is a hand to pull you up
From darkness and despair...
When all your other "so called" friends
Have helped to put you there
A true friend is an ally
Who can't be moved or bought
A voice to keep your name alive
When others have forgot
But most of all a friend has a true heart
For from the hearts of friends
There comes the greatest love of all!
So think about all this
For every word is true
And once again answer please...
How many friends have you?
After much thought I answered
I really only have just one
"It's You!"
Because Friends Love You
Just Because You're You!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
i always said that they were talk unreasonable la...
u r so small more la...
another word from them..hey, kamu kecik sangat, nant susah dapat anak tau!!!! how dare u Alicia talk like that..of coz la i want a baby..hopefully a twins...comel....he..he.. let me find out the twin couple first..ahak.......
now, saya rase saya dah tak terlalu kurus dah...because, i eat a lot n my weight become normal to 45kg..that great la...maintain.... but some, want me a little more..connot la.... macam ni, dah ok.. yang pasti..saya sihat, bertenaga and strong to do my daily work... thanks evrybody coz very care on me.....
tauke kerepok kering..hua..ha..
diorg slalu cakap yg krepok trg best....hurm..aku pun jd conpius...mcm mane rase best tu.. ak pun yg lame dah makn tak tau rase macm mane yg dikate best.....
so..hari tue, before back to trg...5 kg kropok kering dipesan..abih la orange aku bau ngan krepok... luckily, this week, mak sedara kakak ipar aku ade amik itu krepok dari batu rakit sane bawak blk ke pake...kropok pun sedap, bg tidak menghampakan org yg maukan krepok sedap itu, aku test goreng and ask my mum and my rase...
diorg pun cakap sedap..ok..bole dijual...ha..ha.. kene amik untung it not me..i just help them to get what they want... n one thing before back to temerloh tomorrow, get sata and otak2 at favourite stall...kuala kemaman la..warung pak aziz.....
Friday, April 17, 2009
still cant finish..
2. cpe presentation--> snake bite management
3. HSR data collection--> to achieve our target-->60 subjets
4. CDR case
5. TDM report
6. brain storm at store....
gambattte...finish all before u attach at clinical.... heard that i got new boss for clinical who is so straight in patient's care...
wish me luck kay.....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
congratulation safa.....
finally....Dia Makbulkan doa kamu...
hopefully, i can finish my prp greatly on time...
so, today... here is blackforest aiskrim as the reward..yummy....saya suke...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
fuNNy...n SmiLing..
isnt it kebetulan or what???????
but as i can, i will go to another way because i try as i can to prevent it....what??? eyes were four now, of coz la i can see... little bit feel.....but i dont know what it mean...
wat BODO.......
.......... u r so boyish..... but rich with smiling like kerang busuk.....eeeeeiiii......
Saturday, April 11, 2009
the climb...
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking,
Every move I make feels
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes they might knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you're going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about
It’s all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith