i cross today two person who really cant cooperate to others.....
the way u talk....buat org sakit ati...
the first one.. come from bhgn kewangan....
.can u just talk nicely for your customer.... sengal betul mamat ni...blagak gile..x bole ke ckap elok...huh.....
the second one, from staf nurse yang cantik molek tu...
i did not ask u to layan us for this ward check...just asking where the person who handle the medication, floor stock,dda...buzynye saye..mengalahkan menteri.... cuak r....ur way very annoying..
some of staff nurse very professional..... and know how to control the situation.... some of them, dengan suara manje, merengek..nak amik ubat, nak stat la.... time tu baru wat bek la, baru cakap elok2.. kalu tak hampeh..... that a habit of human....
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago