one discussion with my colleague, when u see to the guys working in government sector, most not some always take working time for 'mengulor'.... sharp at 8 am, the job still not done, at least will start on 8.30 am.... and at 10 am, go for mengetea... some word i learned from most PPK yg slalu wat keje ni la... then, aku terpikir, if they do like that,meaning that take gaji buta..then bagi makan tuk anak bini, so.. what happen????? hurm....
tapi...sometime it also influence me especially when working at medical store... most time, there were no job to do... wondering....nothing i had done..makan gaji buta ke aku???i am so scared because everything will be ask di sana nant... i am not free, a lot work must be completed..... actually
sometime, nek geram, bila tengok org yang tak jujur dengan diri sendiri.. sapa gigit cili, die terase pedas.... tp yg pengting all of u siapkan keje, then lepas tu nk g mengulor ke lu punye pasal la..hurm...
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago