its only a number ma...
i always said that they were talk unreasonable la...
u r so small more la...
another word from them..hey, kamu kecik sangat, nant susah dapat anak tau!!!! how dare u Alicia talk like that..of coz la i want a baby..hopefully a twins...comel....he..he.. let me find out the twin couple first..ahak.......
now, saya rase saya dah tak terlalu kurus dah...because, i eat a lot n my weight become normal to 45kg..that great la...maintain.... but some, want me a little more..connot la.... macam ni, dah ok.. yang pasti..saya sihat, bertenaga and strong to do my daily work... thanks evrybody coz very care on me.....
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago