Thursday, September 3, 2009

sometime ciksue become crazy....

weekend so much prettiest than others days..
spend a lot of time with family, niece and nephew...
i got window shopping with angah miera..u know, even i lurve spending time at qtan but the most thing ' yang paling saya benci' da jam road at qtan... so hard to park car.... the rubbish drivers who always drove car like mak bapak die punye jalan....sigh..sigh
i got window shopping, never buy anything for myself, saya suke tengok barang yang cantik2 tapi saya tak beli....that's crazy of me....just asking to angah, anything u want just take it... ape lagi, angah mesti amik pluang nier punye... amiera bought two novel for herself...
before going out, Danny ask me, can ciksu buy a new transformers toys... NEVER... that already a lot transformers collection with Danny and Ibu never allow anyone buys any toys for him again.. so pity to Danny...

next evening i drove to trg with angah n fahmi.... that day almost time for breaking da fast... suddenly, fahmi bersuara.... bole tak kita makan kfc buke puasa nih???? satu perkara yg tak bole saya buat adalah, mhampakan harapan org... fine, just choose what do u want la.... diorag nih memang kuat makan..huh....

i lurve this weekend.. everybody at home..we spend breaking da fast together... saya ke pasar with my brother buy anything for cooking.... just choose...LIKE IT
lame gile tak makan best camni??? do u know what i mean da best at this side??? it is not kfc, pizza or mcd.. but lauk kg yang dah lame gile saya tak jupe.... ikan aya(tongkol) singgang, petai cicah budu....CRAZY... saya dah tak sentuh makan lain... plus air kelapa yang dikait oleh abang saya.... before my mum decide to be warded, she ask to dr, so that she can take a some time before going to hospital.. ONLY because, she want see all her sons and daughters spends tme together in this mulia Ramadhan... terharu..sob..sob....