my mum still need be warded..i dont know how long.....
but now her condition become much better..thanx God.....
when this happen, Iwan always remind me, after this, can you apply posting very near at home.. just silent..that me....
two person which need always to be care.....
i cant stand to see her sick, in bad i can, i want my mum recover quickly.... whole night...saya temankan die... Iwan had say to me....that he cant see mum like this..... me???? the condition become worst.....i did not hope so....and i dont want the condition become more worst...
at the moment, i need back to temerloh, i cant lie anymore, my tears quickly flow down, in front of my mum and my sis.... saya hanye mahu die sihat, menikmati segala apa yg saya ingin berikan.....before go, aku kucup dahi mak, and kedua belah pipinye....Plzz cepat sihat.....
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago