still story regarding the case in the ward...
copd patient...chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.....
kebnyakkan pesakit akan kate...bukan senang nak bhenti tabiat merokok nih....
but guys..can u open ur mind, r u willing to destroyed urself bcoz of smoking.....
eveything happens in front of my copd pt warded...breathing by depending to bipap...
he had smoked for 40cig/day.... that really killing urself slowly....
at certain moment, so hard for him to breath..... tseksenye aku tengok...
my boss.....can u give smoking cessation counseling for this pt....
actually, there is no point to advice if they still stubborn with old habit....
and i hoped, the condition now akan menginsafkan die, to stop smoking....
for his son too.....whose the one alwayz at side his father.. he look how bad the condition of his dad, hopefully, he can learn something from this.....
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago