what happen on myself recently, im quite blur in so much thing... now, im working at FKP, face to a lot of patients, dispense the medication stressful... i thought i will be okay after come back from holiday, but condition become worst... sneezing, headache,running nose...lost of info... banyak lagi banyak bende yang aku tak tahu.....what happen r, wake up plzzz...another one week you will attach at ward with a new boss... i cant imagine how condtion will be....
i hope i still have time to learn a lot because i want know everything.....
in blurring but still touching...when dispense medication to children with hiv and thalesemia.... one kids, comes to me, actually when preparing the medication, i thought this medication belong to adult patient and when when i call the number, one boy kid come to me...suprisely,... and i ask him, adik...ubat ni untuk sapa...
he reply: untuk saya la kak...
continued asking..datang ngan sapa...
he say, datang ngan mak, tapi mak kat klinik atas.....
this medication is antiretroviral, for hiv patient... just see... this kid, need survive his life by taking this medication.....dia tak berdosa..tapi something yang die perlu tanggung, disebabkan orang lain...
it also same to patients with thalasemia, to live up..they also need depends to medication, and always need blood.....everyweek i thought they need transfuse the blood....so pity kan....
jadi..sy ingatkan diri saya, bsyukurlah ngan apa yg sy ada..
n i need b strong to whatever happens in front.....
time to early sleep after taking pcm and lora......
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago