i got a bad news today....
when something bad event happens, my sis always keeping out from me....
tu pun, luckily i call back to home..if not, im sure they never told me...
my mum was warded at HUSM today....
actually, mum should have endoscopy today at HUSM....
but, on going this procedure, she had bleed so much until dr stop the procedure...
her blood count fall to 4. today, this evening dr transfuse one bag of blood...another a bag this nite and followed by two bag tomorrow..and the total is 4 bags of blood to up her blood count to 10.
my mum still continued fasting as endoscopy will be done tomorrow...
at the moment im talking to her this evening, she told me... doakan mak selamat.... dont worry so much..... my tears start to flow down, im really want to be at her side...but i cant.................
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7 months ago