suddenly, i got a lot of new work and assignment to do..
to become MC for zpd zone this saturday with ee not alone...
and..submission of our intro and methodology for HSR.. MUST be submit on next thursday..that so crazy..... bila mau buat ma... next week, i on first call...
im really look stress??? isn't true???? but i notice that recently my brain so empty, my job walking so slow.... while working together with Alicia, she always say to me, dont stress la..take it easy... but..wondering, how easy i should take it.... sometime, im so jealous to her.... she very confident in everything, in answering dr's and pt's query. ME... im still need encouragement to become like her... but, thanx because she really helpful and very sharing the info....
start singing...dont stress..dont stress..dont stress.....(have u heard this song???)
this month, i got a lot of call for the invatation... they will married... my schoolmate, my neighbour, my collougeu at hospital... ramainye org mau kawen ye.....
and..when a lot of my close person will be married, everyone around me will ask me tooo la...(I HATE THIS QUESTION)...never, never, never..thinking about this...... how come u will find out one guy that really2 sincere with u.... accept u as u r and never compare u to others.....and willing to tell the truth to what going on.... for me, NOT AT ALL.......
Resepi Sambal Gesek Mudah n Sedap
7 months ago