Friday, October 23, 2009

before and after...

screaming.. a lot of thing to think about..... to handle methadone guiding by teh..tq...
this evening..need to attend HIS meeting...nasib baek pn maimon ade same..tcengang beb, i dont know anything....

miss my prp and scared on be frp......

my prp at hoshas n b frp too at hoshas.....

They were my staff at FKP.. I will work again with them for another few years..

Monday, October 19, 2009

can i try to love it???

i'm rejecting my post job at bahagian pharmacy.....
at da first time, im so glad to get that job..of coz because this job at qtn.. not more involved in patient care and hospital.... after had been brained wash by my care giver, i thought again...everything what i had learned, useless if i have choose this job.. n in my mind, i cant afford to work with miss wee n tn shaikh....everytime this work so demanding... reject this offer....

now, staying at hoshas..try to build up my love with my new job..sometime.. i thought, it really hard to become a senior... i hope He will guide me... n if my Mum still be with me, she will become da first for me to story about... and she always guide me for da decision... i hoped this final decision is da best choice for me...

my first oncall as FRP come this week at methadone center...TEH, HELP ME......

Monday, October 12, 2009


That a great day fot us.. a time of us gathering again in our best friend wedding ceremony...
Memang x sangka, dalam banyak2 kawan yg kamcing nih...mawi sampai jodoh dulu..he..he..
this is a pic in hasmawi n haslina wedding..

bila dah bjumpa..perempuan2 ini..hanye tau bgossip aje..

mawi disakat oleh ex2 girlfriendnya

kaum2 hawa...

kaum2 adam

membe sekampung..stu skolah... yg slalu buat onar d dlm class.. BFF..

da very left one is very problematic in class..always got problem with Pn Mas Ayu Ros Aida..ha..ha..but now, he got master in engeneering..fuyoo keyroll.. bangga cikgu mas tau.

skarang dah jadi suami org nih...he

selamat pengantin baru mawi n haslina.. siapakah di kalangan ktorg yg akan mengikuti jejak mawi ni..wait and see....he

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tuhan..aku rindu sangat...

free music downloads | music videos | pictures

Aku rindu sangat kata2 semangat dari dia...
Bibir mak tak pernah lekang dengan kata nasihat...
Emak tak pernah lupa ingatkan anak2 dia...
Emak tak pernah jemu berikan ilmu tuk anaknya...
aku rindu ..bibir mak yang tak pernah lekang dengan seyum...
Jarang skali tuk marah anaknye.. jarang skali ungkit kesusahan besarkan 10 orang anaknye...

Bile kaki aku mlangkah ke skolah..emak slalu pesan doa itu...semoga aku terus amalkanya..
bile aku takut exam...emak suruh lagi aku baca doa ini...Tuhan..dia tak pernak lupakan aku dengan kebaikan.... Ya Allah..tempatkanlah ibuku di tempat orang yang beriman bersama 'payung emasnya'...amin.....



matriculation year..

iwan ngan mak

anak mak..yes..i

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sepi 1 syawal

ibu kembali kepada penciptaNya di hening subuh 1 Syawal....
teramat sayu.... only Him know what i feel that tears never stop flowing... at that morning, i just wait jenazah come home from husm... cant doing anything anymore...

1/09...aku. iwan n a.kay. hantar mak ke husm for stomach washout... tiada tanda apepun tp before going to husm, mak nak tengok semua anaknye bkumpul bbuka puasa... hari btolak ke husm, my mum wore a new bju kurung making by Teh n seme baju baru yang Teh wat, mak bawak skali... we leave my mum alone at ward..mase aku nak tinggalkam mak, terasa sayu sangat n pesan kat org katil sebelah, tolong tengokkan mak saya..... macam biasa, sebelum pergi, aku kucup kedua belah pipi mak.....

4/9... a.jas n k.izan pegi tengokkan mak kat sana... at that time, my mum already loss the voice... aku tak pernah agak pun semua ni jadi mcm ni..k.izan say for me that, my mum bleed so much, cant walk that much, so weakness... so, my sis at peneng take a long break to take care my mum..

12/9... i got bad mum condition become metz to lung, numbness of leg, bleeding never stop..kami adik beradik btolak ke husm...i cant see my mum condition like this, aku mest nak nangis, im not strong so much, n aku tak nak mak tengok aku nangis...tapi mak, walau sakit pun keadaan, mak tak pernah merungut, bibir mak tak pernah lekang ngan senyum...i no, my mum so pain n mak tak nak orang lain jage unless k.ros.... sebelum balik, semua org kata, mak mesti kuat tahan sakit..akay kata kat mak, jgn sedih..anak2 mak seme dah berjaya....nothing much for my mum need to worried.....

20/9..this is da last day for my mum....
around 12 midnite...iwan call....mak kene operate malam ni....praying...semoga semua bjalan lancar...we plan to start our journey early of morning to husm...
3am...get a call again....mak tak sedar dah ni....
around 4...get a call again from k.ros...suara k.ros tsekat...mak nazak dah....
sharp 5.15..get a call again...mak x de dah....saat terime that news from my sis and bro, aku terduduk, terkedu, crying so much...and go at that side, staying alone..make myself calm....
and i got da mesg..

mayb this is the best way to release all her

Friday, September 18, 2009

salam aidilfitri...

buat rakan sekolah, rakan sepermainan d terengganu, saya tak dapat beraya dengan anda sekalian pada tahun ini.. dan mungkin sepanjang perayaan ini saya tiada di rumah..because my mum was admitted to HUSM and i will accompanied her till my end of holiday that second of October or until Tuan Shaikh or Miss Wee calling me to report duty for my new posting..

dengan itu, saya mengambil pluang memohon ampun pada anda sekalian jika ade janji yang tak tertunai dan salah silap yang tak saya sengajakan.. SALAM AIDILFITRI..MAAF ZAHIR BATIN

especially for my close rakan sekampung..ninie, irah,zam,eira, zarif,mawi,mamat, iwan, dino, epie and all....saya amat merindui kamu semua......... take care all of u..salam....

breaking fasting together..2 days before raye at nasi kukus..paka...


erah, me n zam

ninie on da right

on left..mawi,maro,mat, iwan
right...zam, me, erah..ninie not in da pic

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


im so tired today with extended hour working..
i want more rest... my mind..counting a day for a
hurm...better go sleep now......

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

dreaming n embrassement

im sory guy, aku tak bmaksud x endahkan panggilan itu...
one day in da evening... lately, i dont know, where i put my mind....
fikiran melayang..jauh ntah ke mane.. betul kata Pn Na tu...

i'm walking at corner hospital side...
behind me.. tdengar seakan suara memanggil....
dalam hati aku( sape la PSY patient yg memekik tu)...

hafrizal: yanie...melaung lagi...yanie...dan lagi..yanie.......
aku: terus jalan...dengar... tp x tau lak mamat nih panggil aku..
staff nurse at that side: say to hafrizal....ko memekik tuh paggil sape hah???
dengan selambe, aku pusing belakang....
oh..ko paggil aku ke... aku ingat org sakit mane melolong tadi....
aku tersengih macam kerang busuk..rupenye si hafrizal dari wad supply lagi dah mjerit, melolong memggil.... aku ni pekak sket kot ari nih..he..he...SORRY LA BRO....

Monday, September 7, 2009

shopping raye..

disebabkan kekangan masa, cik safa shopped by online only.. memang x sempat nak g jenguk ape yang menarik kat shopping complex tp so fantastic, a lot of beautiful shawl which can get through online... and me fell like to buy all... so hard to find out at here and i have no time to shopped at KL....

i hoped this month, bonus will come in my next income..just hoped....
budget this month quite high...
walauapapun, saya tetap btekad untuk dapatkan that Cybershot camera by SONY yg telah lame saya idamkan....i lurve that....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

waiting n praying.....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

sometime ciksue become crazy....

weekend so much prettiest than others days..
spend a lot of time with family, niece and nephew...
i got window shopping with angah miera..u know, even i lurve spending time at qtan but the most thing ' yang paling saya benci' da jam road at qtan... so hard to park car.... the rubbish drivers who always drove car like mak bapak die punye jalan....sigh..sigh
i got window shopping, never buy anything for myself, saya suke tengok barang yang cantik2 tapi saya tak beli....that's crazy of me....just asking to angah, anything u want just take it... ape lagi, angah mesti amik pluang nier punye... amiera bought two novel for herself...
before going out, Danny ask me, can ciksu buy a new transformers toys... NEVER... that already a lot transformers collection with Danny and Ibu never allow anyone buys any toys for him again.. so pity to Danny...

next evening i drove to trg with angah n fahmi.... that day almost time for breaking da fast... suddenly, fahmi bersuara.... bole tak kita makan kfc buke puasa nih???? satu perkara yg tak bole saya buat adalah, mhampakan harapan org... fine, just choose what do u want la.... diorag nih memang kuat makan..huh....

i lurve this weekend.. everybody at home..we spend breaking da fast together... saya ke pasar with my brother buy anything for cooking.... just choose...LIKE IT
lame gile tak makan best camni??? do u know what i mean da best at this side??? it is not kfc, pizza or mcd.. but lauk kg yang dah lame gile saya tak jupe.... ikan aya(tongkol) singgang, petai cicah budu....CRAZY... saya dah tak sentuh makan lain... plus air kelapa yang dikait oleh abang saya.... before my mum decide to be warded, she ask to dr, so that she can take a some time before going to hospital.. ONLY because, she want see all her sons and daughters spends tme together in this mulia Ramadhan... terharu..sob..sob....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

my little boy..

some request from my little boy Danny,....
he ask me... can acik buy me that one...
i know what he want actually.....
i cant wait this friday to go kuantan for looking my lovely little boy and also...back to trg to see my lovely family.. I CANT WAIT ANYMORE

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dia yang aku rindu..

bersyukur aku kepada yg Esa, kerana ketemukan aku sekali lagi dengan bulan yang penuh keberkatan ini...syukran...
Ramadhan yang dirindui...moga tahun ini, akan dekatkan lagi aku pada Dia yang satu...
moga Ramadhan ini juga, mengajar aku erti kesabaran, kesyukuran dan terima kasih.....
menahan segala nafsu, dan elakkan seme sifat boros.amarah, iri hati dan dengki..Nauzubillah...jauhkan aku dari seme sifat ini.......
salam Ramadhan..ampun dan maaf jika ada tsilap dan terlebih kata...bersama kita, hayati bulan penuh keberkatan ini..amin.......
*waiting for time spending my Ramadhan with family and lovely friends at Terengganu*.
hugs and lurve from me...i miss u all so much.........

now, i undertsand..

my body itchy so much..
now, i understand...i am allergic to sea food...
lurve urself pity, whole of body become itchy and redness...
so disturbing...
after this, get ready with lora before taking any seafood..lost one of nikmat

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

addiction so addicted to this malay story....
seriously, i never follow so much of tv shows...
but Wadi Unung so touchable.
it regarding on friendship forever, pondok kecil....
seme yang ade dlm cite ni make me sangat rindukan zaman kanak-kanak dulu...
pondok kecil, cycling, gaduh, nanngis and sacrified to each others...
i miss u all my friends...really miss u all......

Monday, August 17, 2009

suspected H1N1

that a responsibility, should i never care on that pt as he was positive H1N1...
when i got that pt's blood sample, seriously i dont know how to handle it. then, by saying to suyi, i want mask, this is H1N1 pt.
macam biase, run that sample... but this sample come twice to me.....

next morning, cik masyitah call me...........
how u handle that H1N1 sample???
i wore mask, and centrifuge the sample, run tdm, like normal.....
i really dont know actually have a very special precoution......

today..TDM room was contiminated....
and cik masyitah ask me and suyi.....
you all should take tamiflu as prophylaxis.....
and me...twice exposed to that sample.....
just want to know, how long that PIG VIRUS can stay outside the body, i never inhale that sample...cant it attack me?????

for the safe side, everyone told....
just take that tamiflu of charge as it will expired this month.....

at this moment, we got three positive cases H1N1 in hour hospital... n suspected a lot too....

Sunday, August 16, 2009


when this song...kedengaran lagi di corong radio but with acoustic version...
a few word so meaningful.....

taekwando wtf tournament

just say congrate for my nephew, abang asyraf coz win the gold medal in last Friday WTF takwando tournament...then, dipilih as wakil to participate the next tournament at Indonesia...
for angah, walaupun kalah, dont give up... i am so proud with both of you..... and i am so hepy with this good news... well done.....

Monday, August 10, 2009

MU terbenam last nite..

both team played so good...
chelsea menang pun coz of penalty....
when knowing MU dikalahkan oleh chelsea, im calling my sis n try to talk with haiqal, just to share that MU was a loser tonite...haiqal one of fanatic fan to MU and whenever MU win da match, he will ask me, sapa masukkan goal for answer of coz la rooney..he..he...and then he will answered me, SALAH...... haiqal know every single on MU better than me..and he really crazy on football....
hope oneday, one MU come again to msia, i can bring him to see MU players act live in front of us....
bravo MU.......

Sunday, August 9, 2009


got this one...

the correct one is....
unpredictable most of the time...this one is true...
good motivator?????? berk said i am the good one in this field...7 years ago la.....ha..ha...but no more..just be good motivator on myself....

Friday, August 7, 2009

i wanna

i want their album as my collection....
never try to find out it if not fulfill my interest.....

so difficult to download all their song from online source.....

one of them.....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

big job

today is my HSR research presentation
now almost time to end up my prp...
while viva by my senior..they always remind me..
that u will "galas' a big responsible as pegawai....
terkedu..sometime scaring...if u go kk, u will do everhthing..
a big job, big responsibility waiting u infront......
may God bless me.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

ketenangan itu dariNya..

bile terjadinya suatu musibah itu, ianya akan kembalikan kamu padaNya...
ketenangan itu hadir besama kesyukuran padaNya...
kerana, Dia tidak akan menduga hambaNya melainkan Dia tahu kamu benar mampu menghadapinya...
Dia lapangkan dada aku, menerima segala yang terjadi dengan hati yang terbuka....
terima kasih Tuhan....
semoga dia..insan itu mengasihi aku sebagaimana kasih, cinta dan setianya RAsullallah kepada Siti Khadijah..amin....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

PRP dinner...

dinner at bukit bendere resort....
sempene Hari Keluarga Farmasi,HoShas and meraikan all da PRP who will finished the siswazah training this coming october.....

some pic during this day.................

start with some comel pic from husna action

nape ni husna...

got with this comel husna

mc this nite

suyi n miey

alicia kang in center

with adrian

mr teh beside

leah beside

all PRP in my batch

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


gudbye baby..
gudbye to person i lurve so much...
thanx for a little bit happiness..the sadness ang hurt broken...
journey still long and all of this will make me b strong...insya....

how to get rid swelling eyes today??????damn it

wake up yanie....
Hoshas family day...
HSR prezen..
clinical report
Log bok... my mind..whereever kementerian want campak me after this..i will accept..
important thing..i can be independent pharmacist and..what???? give hand to others,,,

aiyookkk how to answer this question today..

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

what is this..

i want sleep after all of this...
i want a gud sleep..never wake up at middle of nite...
i want b strong to face all of this even i no im so weak....
i will let this tears flow down for couple of day, after they want stop by their ownself...
when something hepy come to me, like others never allow it......and sadness come again to prevent the happiness....
so, im promise to never look at it again...and whole mylife i will give for my family by ignoring my happiness...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

bell ringing again...

azza got married today..congratulation..
some pic on her ceremony......

gathering with old frenz..uitm

she alwayz look gorgeous

amik aura kot...


azza n me

azza n izan

selamat pengantin baru azza n izwan....

Sunday, July 19, 2009


the thing to say..
if im really disturbing..
im really forcing u..
im really buzybody most of time...
im really buzy to know what u do, where u r, who go out with....
and if all what i do really irritating sorry...
i will never do all of this if u r not da one i care...

big ceremony this weekend

my frenzz also my ex-hozmate will married next week.. i cant imagine....finally, kawen juge azza n izwan,.. i wish all da happiness with u all.... cant wait to see them.... the best thing at this moment is...gathering with my old friend during at uitm..almost one year never see themm..

this week also is Daniel birthday, my promise is to go kuantan for the celebration. rush to kuantan and then go KL for weeding ceremony...i no, the journey is really tired but to see my loving person, friend and family, it worth.....

Friday, July 10, 2009


come in da morning everyone wish to me...thanx....
going back from working, my hozmate ask me to dinner out....she say she want blanje me....
seriously..i never suspect anything..ho..ho...
kite pegi makan kat rest house la...for me..anywhere ok..i dont mind...
after she park the looking on that honda...macam aku kenal aje kerete ini....
first time for me eating here...
skali kaki melangkah ke dalam...i heard da sound...
singing...hepy bithday to u, hepy birthday to , hepy bday to yanie..hepy birthday to u...
tergamam aku.....tharu pun ade....
my colleougue plan birthday party for me....patut la..bile aku ajk most of them kuar, seme senyap je...ish....

birthday cake from them....

cheese boon tau je, i lurve cheese cake

every prp comes except adrian-still at qtan...this pict few from all da prp....

hepy birthday yanie...

thanx u for da wish n for suprise celebration....
thanx miey, ee boon, suyi, alicia,azia, lee, ee xuan, leah, meifong n jesse....lurve u all

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

im becoming 24

hepy great birthday to me...
hope i can be more strong to face the future...
nobody will help myself unless me....
da big kiss from angah when im return here...
angah: ciksu, duit angah dah abis nak belikan ciksu adiah...
im keeping smiling looking at her...
every moment, i back here..a huge kiss she will give to me and hug....
the way she act actually the big gift for me....
thanx u so much for everybody around when im feeling down to face this life..
hope at this year, i will be more strong, reasonable thinking and...what???


nobody help u unless U
nobody will change the situation unless U
nobody will finish all unless U
u cant depend to others unless urself...
all da BEST!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

terima kasih Tuhan

terima kasih Tuhan ko berikan aku pluang tuk rasa bahagia ini....
terima kasih tuk semua....
semoga semua ini akan berkekalan...
heaRt sMiLe....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

the end

should end all of this like my watch end move today(i no, i want a new watch actually)
...stop thinking all of this...more i think about, more it make me hurt....
the principle today, dont ever let myself believe on people who cant face to face on me to tell the truth.... so deep what it means....
huh, lantak ko la nak jadi ape, perlu aku kisah (this word will come out if i was the selfish person) matter la what, asalkan ko bahgie.... tak peningkan idup aku...gulp...... full with people who want b actress and fool to others....

Friday, June 19, 2009

officially finished clinical today...

last day in clerking the case..
clinical so enjoyable...but......quite burden...

big thanx..for all of u...

Pn guiding me to open my mind..
Dr Afidah and Dr Ong... da specialist that so cooperative
Dr Naim.....da comparison with others that not so good for me..but it's ok
Dr Izzuan....sharing da info and for tricking me..
Dr Ammar, Dr Nordin, Dr Kavita, Dr Anutha..
all da staff nurse, nurse students and staff especially in K11....
thanx a lot..for very helpful......

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


cooperation with LP

great movie graphic

like it...and wat watch it

smoking cessation..

still story regarding the case in the ward...
copd patient...chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.....
kebnyakkan pesakit akan kate...bukan senang nak bhenti tabiat merokok nih....
but guys..can u open ur mind, r u willing to destroyed urself bcoz of smoking.....

eveything happens in front of my copd pt warded...breathing by depending to bipap...
he had smoked for 40cig/day.... that really killing urself slowly....
at certain moment, so hard for him to breath..... tseksenye aku tengok...

my boss.....can u give smoking cessation counseling for this pt....
actually, there is no point to advice if they still stubborn with old habit....
and i hoped, the condition now akan menginsafkan die, to stop smoking....

for his son too.....whose the one alwayz at side his father.. he look how bad the condition of his dad, hopefully, he can learn something from this.....


engagement of hunter and k.mel.....
next couple..yg akan megikuti jejak yang len in our batch...

so sweet..
congralatulation to sis mel and hunter

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

sodium imbalance..

in the ward, dr izzuan always test my knowledge.....

hey..u hutang I, so what is the answer for my last question???
Gulp..what???what question..
why Tazocin cant give together with unasyn????
with very confident...what point to give both which is from the same group together... Tazocin is the broad spectrum and can cover what unasyn covered, so, to give both together, very irrational use of antibiotic...

the problem, Dr Ong say that unasyn given because to cover acino, now the problem, we never get the prove that Tazocin also can cover acino... so how to fight?????

and today, good lesson for me......

because he always test today i come out with one question....

me: dr, how you correct this sodium imbalance,huh???
dr: u want test me or what???? that not a trick rite??
me: no la..i just want to know how u all correct this condition actually...

he show me the formula....

infusate Na-serum na / total body water + 1

- 1L of 3% NaCl will elevate Na conc by .............

still blur....

he give me Sarawak emergencies book, i read it....little bit understand....
it quite difficult to understand if you never practice it..hurmmm

Saturday, June 13, 2009


last friday meal...
lunch meal...rice+ikan keli+mushroom soup+sotong

breakfast menu...nasik lemak.....
lunch menu...nasik minyak..kenduri umah en zainal.....

back to home....
vomit all what i had ate.....
the vomitus come out with rice,meat..and somemore..uwekkk....
the body come tired, i hope can rest but cant sleep..because of some abdominal pain...
sit down to the wall, hope become much better....
this attack come again to disturb my quality of life....
what should i eat???im thinking of some bread to absorb the acid in the stomach....
crawling in the wall to fight back with this pain.....

Friday, June 12, 2009

kemalasan terrramat

banyakknye pci kene wat....
t bgerak langsung....
quite lazy lately........
so..layan...crazy song from eminem....
he alwayz comeout the real song...but, kalu x kutuk org..not eminem la...
but real......

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i can live without him but not without her...

Orang kata aku lahir dari perut mak..
(bukan org kata...memang betul)
Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku.... mak
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku...... mak
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku... .. mak
Kata mak, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut..... Mak
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari.... mak
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang .... mak
Bila nak bermanja, aku dekati.... mak
Bila nak bergesel, aku duduk sebelah.... mak
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya.... mak
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku.... mak
Bila merajuk, yang memujukku cuma..... mak
Bila melakukan kesalahan, yang paling cepat marah.... mak
Bila takut, yang tenangkan aku.... mak
Bila nak peluk, yang aku suka peluk.... mak
Aku selalu teringatkan .... mak
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon.... mak
Bila seronok, orang pertama aku nak beritahu..... mak
Bila bengang... aku suka luah pada.. mak
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil... "mmaaakkkk! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah.... mak
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga.... mak
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu.... mak
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.... mak
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. mak
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku.... mak
kalau balik ke kampung, yang selalu bekalkan ulam & lauk pauk..... mak Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku.... mak Yang selalu berleter kat aku... mak Yang selalu puji aku.... mak Yang selalu nasihat aku..... mak Bila nak kahwin..Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk..... mak
"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk mak?
mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah". Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........
Tapi kalau mak sudah tiada..... .....
Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mengantikan lampin ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup membersihkan najis ibunya....... berapa ramai yang sanggup membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
Jagalah dan hargai ibu anda sementara anda masih berkesempatan..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

blackberry storm

try find out, ape yg tsembunyi......

jeng..jeng..jeng......actually just to show u all this one..he..he...

my blackberry by a.kay and sponsored by Iwan.....

hope i can install da drug info, micromidex inside in helping me for dosing management in pt's need again to bring my heavy drug info book all time.... saya suke.... thanx both of my brother for this special gift......

at the moment

my mum still need be warded..i dont know how long.....
but now her condition become much better..thanx God.....
when this happen, Iwan always remind me, after this, can you apply posting very near at home.. just silent..that me....
two person which need always to be care.....
i cant stand to see her sick, in bad i can, i want my mum recover quickly.... whole night...saya temankan die... Iwan had say to me....that he cant see mum like this..... me???? the condition become worst.....i did not hope so....and i dont want the condition become more worst...
at the moment, i need back to temerloh, i cant lie anymore, my tears quickly flow down, in front of my mum and my sis.... saya hanye mahu die sihat, menikmati segala apa yg saya ingin berikan.....before go, aku kucup dahi mak, and kedua belah pipinye....Plzz cepat sihat.....

Thursday, June 4, 2009


next week, get a interesting case to prezen for me!!!!!
wat is isteresting meaning to her????
unrationale use of antibiotic???? me...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

pharmacist k11 incharge...

helo..miss pharmacist in charge k11 rite, we got 1 bed counseling, pt will discharge today...
hold on.......... nek tangga, trn tangga........everyday like this...never use lift, so crowded..i hate situation like this......

first week in ward, one meningitis p.cik..crying in front intention to make him sad...i am just asking regarding on his children..suddenly, his tears flow down....i try to calm him down.....
tak pe p.cik, jangan sedih..nant anak2 dtg la......kat hospital ni pun kan ramai, staff nurse ade, dr ade, pharmacist pun ade... p.cik pun stop nangis....lega ati aku.....nant kan aku palk nangis same...he..he...

give counseling to pt, make me so sclose to them....and today, wan yg aku bg counseling discharge...she look so hepy..sangat ceria.... i go close to her......m.cik dah sihat..dah nak balik... then, she ask me...dr org mane???? i correct her, bukan dr m.cik...pharmacist.... ank die plak trg..she still remember nice....slam ngan wan, ngan ank2 die skali....besok..pasti saya tak jupe die lg dah.....

ward round with dr naim, dr izzuan and specialist dr afida..sometime make me sick..... im still lacking of knowledge, and so worried if cant give correct answer like they want.... thanx God.. dr naim really helpful..... when ward active means, lot new admission, i no they working under pressure, samotime make me want run away from ward....but, it not professional.... and dr naim will become like fierce... huh, at this moment, i will take my recommendation slowly.....

today..macam nak gaduh ngan dr izzuan....our conversation:
Dr: why you never write down, what you have assess for this pt
pharm: im waiting for your request(under pressure)

go through the bht...

pharm: do u want start this pt with warfarin???
dr: pt already on rite??
me: where???xde pun....

he check the bht.....oooo...never start again...

me: asking again.... do u want start this pt with warfarin???
dr: why??any problem???
me: if u plan to start with, i can start explain to pt dr...
dr: ha, buat la ape yg patut......

huh......poneng den.... finally just give cardiprin to pt....

Monday, June 1, 2009


the most favourite

during my childhood, no need to buy this durian.... now, no more at our dusun..... bile teringin sangat, im asking my bro to fulfill my hajat.... walaupun tak same cam durian kg kat kitorg punye dusun dulu, but fine..sedap gak....still remember, i am the first person waiting for this season... my bro will collect a few guni of durian and i will be the one to finish a lot.... my mum always remind me for not eat more coz will meke me hot... tp tak pun.... sangat mane sy nak berhenti makan......

tapi, when my pregnant sister, megidamkan durian nih, i will be the one to advice her for not eating a lot, because worried baby will be hot...cian kat baby...but today, we enjoy this durian together...yummy....lazat.......nak lagiiiii!!!!!!

hajat kesampaian...

sedapppnyeee.... very long time waiting for my favourite